Virginia Pride Logo.

Celebrating diversity and committed to seeking equity and inclusion for all in the LGBTQ+ community. Virginia Pride seeks to make our region a better place for LGBTQ+ people to live, work and visit.


Virginia Pride

Our priority is to create experiences that embrace individuals of all identities as well as intentionally working to elevate those of our LGBTQ+ community that are disproportionately impacted including people of color, trans individuals, and those that identify as non-binary or gender non-conforming.

  • Produces dozens of events annually that celebrate the Richmond region’s LGBTQ community, including a pride festival that attracts more than 50,000 people making it the largest LGBTQ event in the Commonwealth.

  • Presents an annual “Firework Award” to recognize people, entities and organizations that are catalysts for change in the LGBTQ community. Past recipients include governors, community leaders and local activist groups.


Join the Celebration

Richmond’s biggest celebration of the LGBTQ community returns on Saturday, September 27 at Midtown Green (Formerly Bon Secours Training Center)! Vendors of all kinds are welcome. All vendor fees help us keep Pridefest free and open to all.

Sponsor Pride

VA Pride, a program of Diversity Richmond, connects with tens of thousands of LGBTQ people and our allies through year-round events and our signature event, Pridefest.  Secure a customized sponsorship package and show that your company supports the LGBTQ community! Learn more.

Thank You Sponsors!

Thank you to our VA Pridefest 2024 sponsors whose support ensures that the event is a free, safe and accessible for everyone to enjoy!

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