We can’t do it without you.


Building Together.

Most opportunities require little or no experience, and we are always open to new suggestions. Do you have a special skill? Tell us more, so we can add it to the list!

  • We have a pool of volunteers who help us with special events such as gallery openings, concerts, programs, etc. Volunteers help with set-up and break down for the event, taking tickets, bartending and clean-up. We also have volunteers who help moderate events and activities.

  • We need a few volunteers to help in the Iridian Gallery. If you have an interest in art and like interacting with the public, you can provide information to our visitors. We would love to have the gallery staffed every afternoon from 12 pm – 6 pm.

  • Volunteers help in all aspects of the thrift store (one of our key fundraising sources!) from receiving donations to stocking shelves and bagging purchases.

    Volunteers also help with cleaning and keeping the store neat. If you have customer service experience or retail experience, we would love your help. If you have experience recognizing collectible items and/or pricing antiques, we need your help.

  • We need volunteers who don’t mind sitting at a computer for a couple of hours helping us to update and maintain information databases about our donations.