
Reflections from our executive director, Rev. Lacette Cross.

Welcome Spring
Robyn Bentley Robyn Bentley

Welcome Spring

Monday, April 17th marked 6 months of my being Diversity’s Executive Director. I am still amazed with how fast time flies when you are doing work that truly makes a difference with amazing people committed to the same mission and connected by a common purpose to continue the legacy of service to the LGBTQ+ community in Central Virginia.

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Women’s History Month
Robyn Bentley Robyn Bentley

Women’s History Month

It’s March y’all!! What I love most about this month are the Spring Equinox (aka official start to spring) and Women’s History Month. Both are times where we welcome the reflection of what has brought us together and what ways are we ready to grow. Plus we all know living in the Central Virginia region that March can hold all seasons in one week and sometimes even in one day.

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Marking 100 Days
Robyn Bentley Robyn Bentley

Marking 100 Days

I started walking on the way as the Executive Director of Diversity Richmond on October 17th. From that day until now, I have remained committed to working with the board, staff and community stakeholders who are dedicated to the vision and mission of this organization. I am excited to share highlights from my first 100 days in the role!

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Robyn Bentley Robyn Bentley

fifteen-week course through a partnership with City of richmond

Through a partnership with the city of Richmond, Diversity Richmond is hosting a 15-week course, helping local Hispanic people learn about business management from ideas to implementation. The academy classes will guide participants who are small business owners or who hope to open businesses.

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Thank you, AARP!
Robyn Bentley Robyn Bentley

Thank you, AARP!

AARP has been a longtime supporter of Diversity Richmond. Over the years, AARP has made numerous projects possible such as funding the cost of the huge tent we have used at PrideFest to sell Diversity Thrift treasures.

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Thanky you, Virginia Pride
Robyn Bentley Robyn Bentley

Thanky you, Virginia Pride

We are most proud of Virginia Pride. Even with the unimaginable challenges that the pandemic produced, the Pride committee is implementing several exciting events. This newsletter features them.

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White People
Robyn Bentley Robyn Bentley

White People

Over the last few years, Diversity Richmond has made transgender and racial issues our two top priorities. We have covered much ground, but almost daily we are reminded of the work we must do.

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Black Pride RVA Celebrates Big time This Weekend
Robyn Bentley Robyn Bentley

Black Pride RVA Celebrates Big time This Weekend

Us Giving Richmond Connections, the local nonprofit that encourages the well-being of Black LGBTQ people, is hosting an exciting weekend of educational seminars, entertainment and community building activities. Planners expect big crowds and have scheduled a variety of events that will offer a wide selection of activities for people to choose from.

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