Welcome Spring

Monday, April 17th marked 6 months of my being Diversity’s Executive Director. I am still amazed with how fast time flies when you are doing work that truly makes a difference with amazing people committed to the same mission and connected by a common purpose to continue the legacy of service to the LGBTQ+ community in Central Virginia. 

I started walking on this path knowing I had to first talk with people. The more conversations I had with staff, board and Pride planning committee members the more I realized how amazingly fortunate our community is to have such dedicated people working together to support the work of Diversity Richmond. And as the conversations continue to expand to partners, donors, and allied supporters the more I am convinced that Diversity Richmond is a beloved institution with a bright future.

Marking this six month anniversary I turn my attention to three Cs




Beginning my time with people, process and priorities, I continue my first year making connections  to the people, partnerships and policies that are mission aligned and reflective of what our community needs most. We have plenty of ways to provide services to community members in need, advocate for protective policies, and create community events that bring people together.  

This work happens when a committed group of individuals work together to deepen culture  within the organization that is guided by collective values which support how we do the work for and with our community. I joined this team of people who are now becoming more like family and that is the kind of work culture we want to continue to foster.

Finally, I am committed to showing care in how we are blossoming into a fuller Diversity Richmond that is mission aligned and prepared to show up for our community through programs, resources and advocacy. I sincerely believe in the vital work we do through Diversity Thrift, Virginia Pride and our Event Space. The best way for us to continue to do this work with impact is to care for one another and for every person we have the privilege to serve through our store, event space and pride events.

Needless to say much has been accomplished in my first six months, but so much more is ahead of us on the way. I hope you will join me and the Diversity family on the path ahead as we live into being Central Virginia’s LGBTQ+ community hub that centers the LGBTQ+ community.


Celebrating our Connections


Women’s History Month