Communication and Belonging at Diversity Richmond

by Skyler Foley, Communications Coordinator

Here’s something that happened to me recently: I went to a dance night with a few of my friends and we ran into someone who was visiting Richmond alone for a music festival, so we let him join our group. There was a point early in our conversation where he asked us all where we were from originally - we had all moved pretty recently from different parts of Northern Virginia. He assumed some things about us from context clues and responded in what I’m sure he thought was a normal way. 

“Oh, is it more accepting here?”

This conversation highlights something very important to me, which is the use of good communication. As the Communications Coordinator for Diversity Richmond, it is my job to present the hub of the Richmond LGBTQ+ community in a way that is convincing, human, and self-aware. If you do not tactfully get across the story you are trying to tell, it can lead to situations a lot worse than an awkward conversation.

I have always had a passion for design and storytelling, and being able to practice those skills every day while working towards a mission I care about has been incredibly rewarding.

My favorite part of working at Diversity Richmond is the people. I have met so many amazing people through my job. Particularly, I am thankful to have met many people who have been fighting for LGBTQ+ rights since before I was born, and the perspectives I have heard from people with very different life experiences than me. I want Diversity Richmond’s communication channels to be aware of this history. I want the stories of every person impacted by this organization to be a part of how we present ourselves, because they are a part of who we are. 

Being involved in the Richmond LGBTQ+ community as a part of my work has connected me to the community in a way that has been extremely positive for me. The ability to go to work events and be upfront about my gender identity is not something that I take for granted. 

So, to answer the question, I am not necessarily sure if it is more accepting here - but I certainly feel more accepted. 

With gratitude,

Skyler Foley (they/he/she)

Communications Coordinator


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