The Transformative Power of Community

by Michelle Campbell

When I accepted the position of Administrative Coordinator at Diversity Richmond back in March, I had no idea how profoundly it would change my life. I credit my coworkers for the initial change. Diversity Richmond is filled with talented people passionate about the work we do. Every day they amaze and inspire me with their creativity and commitment. We’re more than coworkers. We’re friends focused on a singular mission to make our world a safer place. We show up for each other, in and outside of work. Diversity Richmond offers my life a deeper transformation. Through the events we host, sponsor, or are invited to attend, I’ve had the opportunity to meet countless members of our community and our allies. My world has grown exponentially thanks to these experiences. 

Prior to my employment here, my spouse and I had been away from Richmond for many years, had lost touch with so many of our friends through time and distance, and struggled to reconnect. I was bored and lonely, needing to reconnect with LGBTQ+ people. Events like Pride and Big Gay Markets gave us things to do with fellow members of our community, allowing me to meet new people. The watch party election night and our comfort cafe the days after reminded me we aren’t alone, no matter what life throws at us. I knew working for this nonprofit would help me grow professionally and allow me to direct my energies toward meaningful outcomes. What I have found here has enriched my life, my family life, in ways I never saw coming. New threats and challenges now confront LGBTQ+ people and our allies. So take it from me, tap into Diversity Richmond and the transformative power of community. Here we belong. And together we can face anything.

Here's to a happy 2025,

Michelle Campbell

Administrative Coordinator



A Month of Love


Diversity Thrift Annual Holiday Boutique